The Oliva cigar story dates back to the late 1800s when Melanio Oliva started growing cigar tobacco in Cuba. The family tradition continued in the fields and was brought to life by his grandson, Gilberto Oliva Sr, who started making cigars.
Oliva’s survival was due to Nicaraguan tobacco and the debut of the acclaimed Oliva Serie V in 2006. Expertly blended for strength and style, the Serie V was an instant hit. In 2012, the Melanio version was added to honor the first family member to grow cigar tobacco, featuring a Sumatra-seed wrapper grown in Ecuador, which set it apart from the original.
Serie V is a sophisticated blend of long filler Nicaraguan tobaccos, featuring specially fermented Jalapa Valley ligero, and finished with a Sun Grown wrapper of high priming.
Tasting notes:
The Oliva Serie V boasts rich, bold leather notes accompanied by a range of coffee, caramel, and woody undertones, making it a timeless classic.
Rated 93 Cigar Aficionado. Cigar Aficionado Magazine Top Cigar of 2007 No.4.
Length: 6″
Ring Gauge: 56
Strength: Medium – Full
Packaging: Box of 24’s
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
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