Joya de Nicaragua revolutionized the cigar industry 50 years ago by producing the first cigars in Nicaragua. Today, they are thriving, thanks to their skilled and determined people. Quality is not just a requirement for JDN, it’s their top priority.
Número Uno was initially created for world leaders and was presented by Nicaraguan ambassadors during official diplomatic visits. In 2018, we introduced it to media and select audiences and received our highest rating in 50 years. Now, Número Uno is officially a part of our ultra-premium Obras Maestras cigar line.
Tasting notes:
Número Uno is a “masterpiece” cigar with medium body and strength, offering a refined, complex, and elegant smoking experience. It boasts creamy notes with a touch of light pepper, making it a top-ranked, exclusive, and truly befitting of the diplomat lifestyle.
No. 6 Cigar of the Year 2020 – Cigar Aficionado Magazine. Rated 95 Cigar Aficionado.
Length: 6 5/8″
Ring Gauge: 44
Strength: Medium
Packaging: Box of 25’s
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
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