Joya de Nicaragua Black Doble Robusto is a new release from the renowned Joya de Nicaragua Cigar Company, known for producing bold cigars. It is a successor to the popular Joya Red and has a stronger, fuller flavor profile. Handmade in Nicaragua, Joya Black uses a blend of Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos and is wrapped with a dark Mexican San Andres Negro wrapper, creating an intense smoking experience.
The Joya Black cigar has a firm draw with thick smoke that starts with a burst of spicy pepper and transitions to a mixture of sweet fruity notes. The flavors of cocoa and tobacco are consistent throughout the smoke, and the finish is sweet and nutty. The cigar is medium-full in strength and will appeal to fans of bold cigars.
Despite its boldness, Joya Black is balanced and smooth, making it suitable for even the most experienced cigar smokers. The cigar measures 5″ x 56 and provides up to 2 hours of smoking time. It is best enjoyed after a hearty meal and pairs well with bourbon or port wine. Fans of Joya Red or Antano 1970 will appreciate the combination of both in Joya Black. Whether you are a fan of Joya de Nicaragua or looking for a new cigar to try, Joya Black Doble Robusto is a great choice.
Tasting notes:
The result is a nutty, peppery smoke with hints of toast, coffee and leather.
#12 Cigar Journal Top 25 2017. Cigar Journal Rating 91. Cigar Aficionado Rating 91.
Length: 5″
Ring Gauge: 56
Strength: Medium
Packaging: Box of 20’s
Wrapper: Mexican San Andres
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
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