The Oliva Selection Sampler allows you to try cigars from various ranges within the Oliva brand. The brand has its roots in the late 1800s, when Melanio Oliva began growing tobacco in Cuba. His family continued to grow tobacco, but it was his grandson, Gilberto Oliva Sr., who started making cigars. The company found success using Nicaraguan tobacco, particularly with the Oliva Serie V line, which was introduced in 2006 and quickly gained popularity among cigar connoisseurs. In 2012, the company added the Melanio version, featuring a Sumatra-seed wrapper grown in Ecuador, as a tribute to the first member of the Oliva family to grow cigar tobacco. The Oliva Serie V Melanio Figuarado was named the No. 1 Cigar of the Year in 2014 for its rich, leathery flavor complemented by notes of coffee, caramel, and wood.
This sampler includes the following:
1 x Oliva Connecticut Reserve
1 x Oliva Serie G Natural
1 x Oliva Serie V Melanio Natural
1 x Oliva Serie O Natural
1 x Oliva Serie V Natural
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